Minimum Order Size

There is a minimum order size of $25. There is no minimum quantity.

Orders under $25 will have a Minimum Adjustment applied.

What is the Minimum Adjustment?

A Minimum Adjustment will be applied to orders under $25 to make up the difference between the order total and $25.

For example, if the order total, including shipping, is $15, then the Minimum Adjustment would be $10 to bring the order total up to $25.

How to avoid the Minimum Adjustment

  1. Electrical Warning labels:
  2. Warning Labels
    (image for) sample warning labels

  3. Office Signs (2" x 8"):
  4. Door Signs
    (image for) office door signs
  5. Toolboxes or other storage (1" x 3"):
  6. Seriously, labeling my toolbox drawers was a good idea :-)
    Toolbox Label
    (image for) sample toolbox labels
  7. Round Keychain tags (1.5" OD):
  8. Keychain Tags
    (image for) sample key chain tags